The University of Iowa is committed to addressing sexual misconduct in any form. We all play an important role as employees in creating a safe and respectful work environment. To support this effort, student employees within the Division of Student Life will be assigned the employee online anti-harassment training beginning in the fall 2021 semester.  The course is entitled Harassment Prevention & Response for Non-Academic and Administrative Officers/Non-Supervisors course. This is the same training required for all University of Iowa staff, faculty and graduate teaching assistants. The required training is designed to educate student employees about prohibited conduct and the problems associated with harassment and discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, and to inform those who have experienced harassment or discrimination of their rights. 

To enroll in the proper course, go to, locate the “Harassment Prevention” compliance on your dashboard, and click “View Details”.  Simply click the “Enroll in Course” button to begin. 

Course Details

How long will it take to complete the course?

This course requires at least 90 minutes to complete and all student employees will be compensated for 90 minutes of paid time. Due to the length of the course, we recommend employees start working on the modules well before their due date and over 2-3 sessions. Your progress in the course will be bookmarked so that when you return to the course module it will automatically return you to the point at which you were previously working.

How do I access the harassment prevention course?

To enroll in the proper course, go to, locate the "Harassment Prevention" compliance on your dashboard, and click "View Details". Simply click on the "Enroll in Course" button to begin.

I am a new student employee and I am having trouble accessing this online course. What should I do?

New employees should wait 2-3 business days after their first day of employment before attempting to enroll in this online course.

When will my supervisor see that I have completed the course?

Typically, course completions are registered the next day in UI’s MyTraining records within 24 hrs. of completion of the course.

How do I request accommodations for the course?

If you find you are unable to enroll in or complete the online training module, whether due to past trauma or the inability to view or understand the course materials, and wish to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity (319- 335-0705 or email to discuss alternatives to the online training module.

What are the recommended operating systems and browsers for this course?

Windows 10: Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox (latest version), Microsoft Edge

Windows 8.x: Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox (latest version), Microsoft Edge

Windows 7: Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox (latest version), Microsoft Edge

Mac OS X Yosemite or El Capitan: Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox (latest version), Safari 9+

How is this course different from “Every Choice” sexual misconduct prevention training I’ve already taken?

All incoming undergraduate and transfer students are required to complete an online sexual misconduct prevention course called Every Choice. Graduate and professional students complete a similar course called Not Anymore. The Harassment Prevention & Response for Non-Academic and Administrative Officers/Non-Supervisors course is for student employees and addresses workplace harassment

I am getting an email from CANVAS every time I leave the course stating that my training has been graded, but I’m not done with the course.

If you leave the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training before completing all of the modules you may get an email letting you know that the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Module has been graded. Do not confuse this with a course completion notification. This simply confirms that you have started the course and your progress has been recorded.

Whom do I contact with another type of question or concern about the harassment prevention course?

Please contact and we will respond to your question as soon as possible.

Training next steps

After completing the online training, consider these questions and visit with your supervisor: 

  1. You recently completed the online anti-harassment training, do you have any questions or concerns about the content?  

  1. Do you feel prepared should you observe harassment or discrimination in the workplace? What do you think you would do?  

  1. What are some ways that you can be an active bystander if you observe a problem while at work? 

  1. How do you report a problem? 

  1. Where can you go for confidential assistance?  

Reference Information:  

  • Harassment, in simple terms, is defined as unwelcome or offensive conduct toward a person. 

  • Discrimination refers to unfair treatment toward a person based on certain characteristics such as gender, race or other characteristics that are “different.” 

  • Harassment (UI operations manual Section II, chapter 14.2) means intentional conduct, including speech, directed toward an identifiable person or persons that:  

  • Threatens serious harm and is directed or likely directed to promote imminent unlawful actions; or 

  • Is sufficiently severe, pervasive, and subjectively or objectively offensive that it unreasonably interferes with work or educational opportunities or benefits, including, without limitation, on-campus living or participation in a university activity on or off campus. 

  • An active bystander is a person who takes action when they see an issue.  Active bystanders build a positive workplace. Every employee is responsible for building a positive workplace.  

  •  The key ingredients of being an active bystander to prevent harassment are: 

  1. Awareness of one’s surroundings and what is happening around you and your colleagues. Evaluating and assessing your environment and understanding how harassment occurs and is experienced is the first step to being an active bystander. 

  1. Attitude of personal responsibility for the workplace by actively modeling the attitude that discrimination, harassment, and retaliation have no place in the workplace. Show a positive attitude toward your organization’s respectful workplace initiatives so others know what you support this work and expect others to do so as well. 

  1. Actions include skills to effectively take action when needed. 

  • Address negative remarks. 

  • Speak up, say something to either the person behaving inappropriately or to the target of the bad behavior. 

  • Speak for yourself, based on your own impression rather than for someone else. 

  • Don’t participate. Make a clear expression of disapproval, which sends a quiet but direct message. 

  • Indirect approaches: distracting, delegating or delaying 

  • If uncomfortable taking direct or indirect actions, you can still seek help from others and report the situation to someone in the position to take action such as your supervisor. 

Resources/How to report a problem –  or (319) 335-0705, e-mail – 

Office of Institutional Equity receives all reports for the following: 

  • Title IX and Gender Equity – sexual harassment/misconduct, Title IX or gender discrimination 

  • Equity Investigations and ADA Compliance – discrimination, harassment, or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance 

  • Equity Compliance – equal employment, affirmative action, or harassment prevention education 

  • University policies prohibit retaliation. Prohibited retaliation is defined in the Anti-Retaliation Policy and in Section 4.15 of the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct. Report retaliation to the Office of Institutional Equity. If you have questions  and would like to speak confidentially with someone about your options, you may consult the Office of the Ombudsperson at (319) 335-3608 or