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Green Flag Campaign

Stalking: Know It. Name It. Stop It.

Stalking: Know It. Name It. Stop It. Is a stalking awareness campaign at the University of Iowa.
A stalker may cause fear by:
- Giving unwanted gifts
- Showing up uninvited
- Harassing or tracking someone on social media
- Following or monitoring someone
- Repeatedly sending unanswered emails, calls, or texts
Print the 2019 Stalking Awareness Campaign Posters
What is Different? Imagine a World Without Sexual Violence

We Are Here USA is an organization founded to help support victims-survivors and end sexual violence on campus. This group has sponsored campaigns on campuses across the U.S. At the University of Iowa students hosted the "What is Different?" campaign in the Iowa Memorial Union where students were asked to describe how a world without sexual violence would be different and post it on the wall display.
Students shared messages about a safer world, free of fear, and respect for all people, regardless of who they are and how they identify. Students shared some of the following messages: "There would be no victims." "People feel safe where they are and in what they are wearing." "A world where we could date without planning an escape." "Consent culture IS our culture." "I can just simply be..."
My Cup is Not My Consent
My Cup is Not My Consent focuses on preventing alcohol-facilitated sexual assault. The campaign builds off research on campus sexual assault which has found that many perpetrators use alcohol as a weapon to commit their crime.
Customized materials (stress ball, table tent, card, posters) for the campaign are available If you are interested in any of the materials, please contact the University Prevention Education Coordinator, Susan Junis, at or 319.335.6001.
Resources for Victims of Sexual Misconduct
Poster that defines sexual misconduct and outlines confidential and non-confidential resources.
OSMRC Resource Posters
The goal of these posters is to raise awareness about resources on campus where people can get help, report a problem, and get police assistance. Data from the 2015 Speak Out Iowa survey showed that about half of students knew where to go to get help if they or a friend experienced sexual misconduct, while 41% of students knew where to go to make a report. The posters focus on RVAP, OSMRC, and DPS as key resources; they refer back to the Resource and Referral Guide for information about additional campus organizations.
Campaign Archives
View past University of Iowa campaigns and download materials.
If you have a campaign that you would like included on the site, please contact Teri Schnelle at