Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) now offers support groups that are designed to give participants a safe place to explore their thoughts and feelings about their personal experiences with domestic violence, dating violence, etc. within a supportive community. Please contact Garyn Simpson at or call (319) 800-5206 for additional information. 

Note: Support groups offer tools for community and reflection. They are not a mental health service and as such, some topics may be too deep - to avoid retraumatizing ourselves and others, leaders may ask that a topic be “tabled” or put to the side in order to maintain emotional safety.

Participants looking to join will have to fill out a short questionnaire in order to sign up:

Sign Up Here

Closed session dates and location

All groups are held at the Iowa City Public Library - time and location provided upon registration. Childcare up to age 12 provided.

  • Session One: October 4 - December 13
  • Session Two: January 10 - March 21
  • Session Three: April 11 - June 20